Product Backing by Pamela Goodyer

Pamela Goodyer is a world-renowned photographer and esteemed owner of Photography Magazine Extra and the exclusive Extra Eyes Private Jet Photo Tours.

Imagine your products shining in the spotlight of our articles, images, and social media platforms. With our reach and audience, your brand will showcase your unique products to our loyal followers. Join us now!


I am not a possession; material offerings cannot sway me. My loyalty belongs to no one. I am indestructible, beyond the reach of cancel culture. We are not a big corporate cog that needs to make money to keep the wheels turning. We are a tiny business; this magazine is about passion, not profits.

As I stand amongst the revered, companies vie for my attention and show me opulence. But I remain steadfast in my beliefs and will never compromise for anyone or anything that does not align with my divine calling and purpose.

Pam Goodyer with her tripod

I am not a possession; material offerings cannot sway me. My loyalty belongs to no one. I am indestructible, beyond the reach of cancel culture. We are not a big corporate cog that needs to make money to keep the wheels turning. We are a tiny business; this magazine is about passion, not profits.

As I stand amongst the revered, companies vie for my attention and show me opulence. But I remain steadfast in my beliefs and will never compromise for anyone or anything that does not align with my divine calling and purpose.

We have journeyed across the globe, bringing you this magazine and its invaluable information without making a profit and at our own cost for many years. Now, we are finally beginning to capitalize on it.


I have manifested my destiny, drawing upon my inner power and guidance. I am self-sufficient and not reliant on external validation or material wealth. The products I support align with my spiritual journey and resonate with my energy, values, and vibration. They are pure and beneficial for all beings on a deep level of consciousness.

Feel free to contact me if you are a conscious company with a product. If your product is a vessel for divine inspiration and fosters connection through the act of creation, helping individuals on their artistic journey, I am open to promoting your offerings.

I envision a collaboration that transcends the mere act of promotion and embodies the principles we hold dear. Together, we can craft narratives that showcase your products’ beauty and efficacy, tell a deeper story, and ethically engage with our world.


Imagine this: each photograph I take captures the essence of your product and embodies the ethos behind its creation. Every frame is a testament to the harmony between human endeavor and the environment. Through my lens, your product is not merely seen; it is experienced as an integral part of a larger narrative that celebrates and respects the sanctity of Mother Gaia.

As we forge this partnership, our collaboration will spotlight your products in natural settings in my photographs. Each image will tell a pronounced story, inviting viewers into an intimate and expansive sensory experience. The light, texture, and composition of my photographs will interact with your products so that the viewer is captivated, feeling the impulse to reach out and touch, to own a piece of what I have.

Some products assist me in achieving “what it is I possess,” which is the skill to produce captivating art and photography. Please get in touch with me now, and I will endorse your products to help photographers reach their full potential. We can elevate the photography industry with my expertise, influence, and your product.

Our social media presence is just getting off the ground, but we will quickly climb the ranks!


While browsing our photography magazine extra, you may notice that we don’t profit from every featured product. We frequently showcase products and provide links to their pages because we genuinely believe in them, not because of any supplier relationship. 

Whether paid for or not, every product featured in this magazine is one we genuinely believe in. Pamela Goodyer is a woman of strong morals and values. With a background in law enforcement and fraud investigations, she is well known for her deep sense of honesty and integrity. We do not engage in any deceptive practices regarding the products and services we write about.