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For those residing in or near New Jersey, this destination is the premier spot for bird photography. This enchanting 8-mile loop is a true paradise, teeming with various birds throughout the year. Multiple locations throughout the area are wildlife properties, but we focus on the best: the main 8-mile loop drive.
For those not hiking fans, you can drive the loop and shoot directly from the vehicle’s windows or simply step outside.
Each season brings its unique array of bird visitors, making it a dynamic location for photography. Below,
you will find a link to the list of birds and the season when they can be found at the refuge. We also list the most common birds there that photographers love to photograph.
Whether it’s the melodic songs echoing through the trees or the sight of graceful wings cutting through the sky, this haven offers endless opportunities for those passionate about documenting the beauty of birds in their natural habitat.
See the header shot above; it’s towards the end of the wildlife drive near the curve. This shot was taken years ago, so you might not get the exact shot. But that is okay because we promote uniqueness. This is one of Pamela Goodyer’s top-selling shots.
Edwin B. Forsythe Bird Photography
Dec, January, February
– Black Ducks
– Atlantic Brant
– Bald Eagles
– Short-Eared Owls
– Buffleheads
– Common Goldeneyes
– Horned Grebes
– Red-Breasted
– Diving Waterfowl (In the back bays)
– Wintering Songbirds (On hiking trails)
March, April, May
– Peepers
– Laughing Gulls
– Ospreys (Cam in visitors center)
– Beach Nesting Birds
– Purple Martins
– Diamondback Terrapins
June, July, August
– Eastern Kingbirds
– Great Blue Herons
– Great Egrets
– Snowy Egrets
– Tree Swallows
– Cormorants
Sept, October, November
– Monarch Butterflies
– Ducks
– Geese
They make their way to New Jersey.
Edwin B Forsythe Bird Photography Details
Here are the basics you can read or take on your phone for a successful bird photography day. WARNING: We want to emphasize this so you don’t get mad at us. HOT, HUMID DAYS ARE GREEN FLY-BITING DAYS!
Go to the main location, drive, walk, or bike the eight-mile loop out into the ocean. Several areas are considered the refuge, but the main loop road is ideal for the best bird photography. BEWARE! Bug spray is not enough for the green flies we mentioned above. We do not recommend going on a high-humidity day. Our green friends love humidity. The bugs bite, and it’s not fun.
We enjoy springtime because it’s when the birds return. Occasionally, Snowy Owls visit during the winter. You can check in to find out if there have been any sightings, as these owls don’t appear every year. We’ve photographed peregrine falcons, eagles, great egrets, and smaller birds. Overall, it’s an excellent spot for bird photography.
Fall is also good; when there is no humidity, the green flies aren’t around, but the birds are.
It is also a Sunrise and Sunset photography location – check out our sunset image above.
MILKY WAY PHOTOGRAPHY AREA – Edwin B. Forsythe is also not too far from a Milky Way dark sky area, so you might want to plan your trip around a new moon or the week before during Milky Way week. Be sure to see our Milky Way section for more details on when the Milky Way is visible in New Jersey.
It’s an 8-mile loop, but if you have patience and you want to sit and wait for bird action, you can spend several hours here throughout the day.
800 Great Creek Road, Galloway, N.J.
The Forsythe is right off of the Garden State Parkway.
Trail Map brochure
Wildlife Drive Self-guided Tour
The Visitor Information Center is open between 10 AM and 2 PM Wednesday through Sunday. You can also find the Friends of Forsythe Gift Shop and purchase passes there. Admission to Wildlife Drive costs $4 per car.
We always pair this with the Smithville Village right down the street. You can also stop here to eat and shop.
It’s never been very busy anytime we’ve ever been there, and we’ve been here many times.
The Refuge is vital in providing habitat for various species, but it mainly focuses on migratory birds. Edwin B. Forsythe has an extensive recorded list of bird species, with over 360 sightings. On the Wildlife Drive, visitors can spot a variety of waterfowl, waders, shorebirds, and seabirds on any given day. The Refuge is home to large populations of American black ducks and Atlantic brants that rely on the coastal wetlands for food and shelter during the winter months.
Furthermore, the Refuge is a crucial breeding ground for federally threatened piping plovers in New Jersey. These precious birds use the last undeveloped coastline on Holgate and Little Beach Island wilderness areas, protected sites for other beach-nesting birds such as American oystercatchers, least terns, black skimmers, and common terns.
Spanning over 40,000 acres (162 km), the Refuge is a haven for southern New Jersey Coastal Habitats and tidal wetlands. Within its borders lie 6,000 acres (24 km2) of designated wilderness areas where public access may sometimes be limited or entirely restricted. These areas, including Holgate and Little Beach, home to some of the last undeveloped barrier beaches in the state, provide a vital sanctuary for rare nesting birds such as the piping plover. Holgate is off-limit during nesting season to protect these fragile ecosystems from further human impact. However, access to Little Beach is only granted through special permits for research or education purposes.
Most of Forsythe Refuge consists of tidal salt marshes with shallow coves and bays, making it a popular stopover for thousands of migratory ducks, geese, wading birds, and shorebirds during spring and fall migration. Birdwatching, nature photography, and other related activities are popular among visitors here. Additionally, 3,000 acres (12 km) of woodlands provide crucial habitat for upland species like songbirds, woodcock, white-tailed deer, and box turtles.
Visitors can reach the Refuge by car or bicycle. While no guided programs are offered, an eight-mile (13 km) driving trail recommended by a brochure highlights critical features of the Refuge. For those on foot, there are four trails ranging from 1/4 mile (0.4 km) to 4 miles (6.4 km) in length to explore.
Check out the friends of the National Wildlife Refuge Cam. The raccoon is our favorite. What’s your favorite?
If you photograph birds, you should shoot with shutter priority to ensure your images appear sharp since they are moving subjects.
At The Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge, you want to keep your camera in shutter priority mode when doing bird photography. This allows you to control your shutter speed. 1/1000th of a second allows for clear images of the birds moving quickly. You can go higher on bright, sunny days. On dark, overcast days, you may up your ISO some to allow for a high shutter speed, stopping the action for crystal-clear images.
Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge
P.O. Box 72800 Great Creek RoadOceanville, NJ08231-0072
Visitor Information
The trails and Wildlife Drive are open daily from sunrise to sunset. The Visitor Information Center is open Wednesday through Sunday, 10 AM to 2 PM. The Friends of Forsythe Gift Shop and pass sales are offered there. Entrance to Wildlife Drive is $4/car. Our Galloway location is located here: Forsythe HQ and Visitor Area in Galloway.
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Would you like to be featured in an article as a place to stay while doing photography or ghost hunting? If so, please send us an email. You will be surprised at how affordable our prices can be.
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